Friday, May 17, 2013

Just Fishing......

These are all fish that have been caught out of our pond in the last couple of weeks.  The bass in the 2nd picture was caught by my husband out of the boat one afternoon.  The kids went fishing on Mother's Day and caught about 25-30 brim & crappie.  All of them were really good size and the best part of it all was they were so excited and very competitive.....especially Sydney Kate ! I think she gets that from me.  If I'm ever fishing with Doy and I don't catch any, I'm usually pretty quiet. But If I do start catching them, I'm always gonna either catch more than him, or mine is always the biggest.....or at least that's what I say !  ha,ha  We're really enjoying the pond almost on a daily basis.  It's nice to be able to go and relax for a little while and catch a few and see how it's progressing in just a little over a year from when we stocked it.  Can't wait to the end of the summer when we have our family reunion weekend and we can have more kids to fish with !! 

MAY 2013

Blair fishing down at the Boat Dock in her little tricycle.

Papa feeding Blair McDonalds at Krazy Mike's Shrimp & Wings....
Notice the "Piggies" on the table.....ha,ha

Papa helping Blair ride her new Rocking Horse she got
for her birthday.  When she rides we all yell "Yee Haw" and
then she mocks us !! It's too cute.  Gotta get it on video.

Blair riding the tractor with Papa ! She loves anything that makes
noise and goes. 

Blair riding her little tricycle....We take turns pushing her
cause we get tired out......but she never does.

Here she is playing in the big box that her new swing set
come in that Papa and LiLi got her for her birthday.  Check out
that buck tooth pacie in her mouth !

Someone gave this baby CoolWhip and looks like she
liked it....can you tell ?? 

Papa & Blair.....

Still Fishing.....

Here she is in the carseat rocking those Zebra Print
rain boots she got for her birthday ! 

Ashley & Blair's 2nd Mother's Day !! 

Going to sleep in her swing down at the shed......

Monday, May 6, 2013


Birthday Morning !! 
Blair, Ashley, Heather, & Todd


Decorations for a little Princess !!

Looking like a little Princess now ....

Give me that Cake LiLi ....

Time to Blow our your candle Blair !

Blair loves her cake icing.....

She really gets into her SMASH Cake....

Ready to go on her New Pink Ride !

Weeeeeee !!! 

She loves her Rocking Horse that Popsicle, Blade, & Papa
built for her.  

Blair's Birthday week was quite the week.  Started out that everyone in the family got sick with the stomach virus....including Baby B !! This was her first encounter of bring really sick....if you know what I mean. Anyways, just the whole week was rough on her little tummy. Lots of sleepless nights for everyone in the house.  Then around Thursday we were watching the weather and having to make the final decision to have to move the party on Saturday to the Church Gym instead of outside at our house.  Decorations were having to be modified and just a whole lot of changes to be made.  Who would have thought that May 4 we would be having record changes in weather.....40's for the high and SNOW in North Arkansas ?? But the show must go on .....There were 53 people at Blair's 1st Birthday Party....WOW !!! Lots of Family & Friends were there to wish our Precious little Heifer the Happiest of Birthdays and we LOVE each and everyone of them that were there and those that were unable to attend as well.  We're already looking forward to the next one.......