Monday, October 4, 2010

It's that time of year....Hunting

The Red Hole - or so they call it
This is where one of our deer stands was located.
When the waters got up a couple of years ago, it washed
our BIG stand away and down the creek some 300-400 yrds.
You'll see the stand in the next couple of pic's. We're in the
process of trying to build another stand in this area as
many bucks come through here during hunting season.
This is just a picture of what it's like to hunt with us.
The scenery is just beautiful and it's one of our
favorite places to be.
The Big stand as we once called it. When we found it
across the creek, it was upside down and severly beaten
up by the water. We turned it back over and decided to
leave it here just for some coverage if we ever decide
to hunt in this area again. Pretty rustic, huh ?
My first kill of the year. Doy and I haven't hunt in 2 years
and this area had really grown up. Saturday as a week ago,
we went down to camp and bushhogged the shooting lanes
again and hoped to hunt this area again. Thursday night
we went down and put up a feeder and as our luck had it,
Saturday morning I had 4 does & 1 small buck eating the
corn from the feeder. Couldn't get a good shot from
the stand as it's more of a out front and to the left kind of stand.
I took my crossbow and tried to shoot left handed (as
there was 8 sets of eyes looking at me) and I missed. They
ran off and to my luck, they started coming back in within
about 5 minutes. I got turned around this time and cocked
my bow again from a sitting position (hard to do) and was
able to shoot this doe. Keep in mind, I only had 2 arrows
for some reason. So when Doy came to get me about 30 min.
later, he jumped the doe up cause I had shot her kind of high,
and I was out of arrows. So needless to say, I was scrambling
around on the ground trying to find my shot arrows and get
another shot on her before she got was successful !
Comical as I think about it now....but Successful !!
I just love spending time in the woods surrounded by
ALL of God's creation and in the quietness of the woods.

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